C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Koubek, A., and Mayer, H., “Deployment scenarios of Dves in Education”, in ED-MEDIA and ED-TELECOM 1999,Seattle, Washington, USA, 1999, pp. 317 - 322.File: 6683324.pdf
C. Bouras, Gkamas, A., and Tsiatsos, T., “Distributed Learning Environment using Advanced Services over the Internet”, in 3rd Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications(IMSA), Nassau, Grand Bahamas, 1999, pp. 182 - 186.File: 9442453.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., and Mamalis, B., “Tele-working services from the Greek PTT”, in 3rd International Conference on Networking Entities-The organisational impact of telematics, Neties'99, Krems, Austria, 1999, pp. 17 - 22.File: 9092322.pdf
C. Bouras, Gkamas, A., and Tsiatsos, T., “A Web-based distributed environment to support teleteaching: Design and Implementations issues”, in 3rd International Workshop on Query Processing and Multimedia Issues in Distributed Systems (QPMIDS 99), Florence, Italy, 1999, pp. 906 - 911.File: 2246261.pdf
C. Bouras, Lampsas, P., Bazaios, A., and Tsindilas, G., “Web-Enabled Distance Education Environment”, in World Conference of the WWW, Internet and Intranet-WebNet 98, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1998, pp. 80 - 85.File: 4677296.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Gkamas, A., Tsiatsos, T., and Lampsas, P., “A platform for the implementation of the services of an Educational Network”, in 15th IFIP World Computer Congress-Teleteaching' 98, Vienna, Austria, Part I, 1998, pp. 159 - 169.File: 9216259.pdf
C. Bouras, Triantafillou, V., Destounis, P., Garofalakis, J., Tzimas, J., and Zarafidis, P., “An Intranet and Internet based Information System for Administration and Information purposes”, in 4th European Digital Cities Conference: Changing patterns of urban life, Salzburg, Austria, 1998, pp. 211 - 215.File: 4595264.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Moiras, D., and Ouzounis, V., “A Framework for a Distributed Information Service Using Hypermedia/Multimedia Pre-Orchestrated Scenarios”, in 10th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems-Special Session on Communication and Computing for Distributed Multimedia Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 1998, pp. 226 - 229.File: 5692314.pdf
C. Bouras and Philopoulos, A., “Distributed Virtual Reality Environments Over Web for Distance Education”, in EDEN Conference, Bologna, Italy, 1998, pp. 481 - 484.File: 5216269.pdf
C. Bouras, Spirakis, P., Lampsas, P., Zarafidis, P., Bazaios, A., and Zoura, A., “Multimedia Architecture offering Open Distance Learning Services over Internet”, in 5th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications - ICT 98, Chalkidiki, Greece, Vol. 4, 1998, pp. 145 - 149.File: 6907482.pdf
C. Bouras, Philopoulos, A., and Fotakis, D., “A Distributed Virtual Learning Center in Cyberspace”, in 4th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Gifu, Japan, Vol. 2, 1998, pp. 410 - 415.File: 2974256.pdf
C. Bouras, Lampsas, P., Zarafidis, P., and Zoura, A., “Web-Enabled Distributed Collaborative Learning Environment”, in 6th International Conference on Computers in Education-ICCE 98, Beijing, China, 1998, pp. 489 - 493.File: 2745297.pdf
C. Bouras, Spirakis, P., and Ouzounis, V., “On Demand Delivery of Multimedia Documents using Distributed Objects”, in 2nd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Networks-PDCN 98, Brisbane, Australia, 1998, pp. 357 - 360.File: 4142326.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Spirakis, P., Moiras, D., Ouzounis, V., and Tatakis, A., “Implementing spatio-temporal relations for hypermedia presentations using an HTML-like language”, in Workshop on Internet Programming Languages(in conjunction with 1998 IEEE International Conference on Programming Languages), Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1998.File: 4772273.pdf
C. Bouras, Spirakis, P., and Lampsas, P., “Training Centres: An Architecture for the Realisation of Open and Distance Learning Environments using Telematics”, in 9th International Conference Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education-SITE 98, Washington, DC, USA, Vol. 1, 1998, pp. 118 - 120.File: 2962292.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Spirakis, P., and Tatakis, A., “An HTML like language supporting time-depended transmission of hypermedia”, in The Eighth International ACM Hypertext Conference-Hypertext 97, Southampton, UK, 1997.File: 6214354.pdf
C. Bouras, Spirakis, P., Moiras, D., Ouzounis, V., and Antoniou, I., “HY-MOST: HYpermedia MOdel for Synchronised presenTations”, in 3rd Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems, Southampton, UK, 1997, pp. 18 - 23.File: 1281572.pdf
C. Bouras, Spirakis, P., Hatzilakos, A., Koutlis, M., and Panopoulos, N., “ODYSSEAS: The Greek Educational Network for Secondary Education”, in EUROAMERITEL'97 Conference, San Jose, Costa Rica, 1997.File: 3228280.pdf
C. Bouras, Spirakis, P., Lampsas, P., and Antoniou, I., “Enabling Distance Education over the World Wide Web”, in World Conference of the WWW, Internet and Intranet- WebNet 97,Torodo,Canada, 1997.File: 9195524.pdf
C. Bouras, Spirakis, P., Triantafillou, V., and Garofalakis, J., “A General Performance Model for Multistage Interconnection Networks”, in Euro-Par '97, Passau, Germany, 1997, pp. 993 - 1000.File: 2305355.pdf
C. Bouras, Spirakis, P., and Lampsas, P., “Superhighways for Open and Distance Learning”, in 1997 EDEN Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 1997, pp. 32 - 36.File: 7093481.pdf
C. Bouras, Spirakis, P., Triantafillou, V., Garofalakis, J., Tsaknakis, J., Tzimas, J., Tsakalidis, A., Antoniou, I., Karageorgopoylos, D., Basiliadis, B., and Kappos, P., “The Design and Development of Advanced Network Services over the Patras University Campus Network”, in 5th International Conference on Computers in Education-ICCE 97, Sarawak, Malaysia, 1997, pp. 420 - 427.File: 2176206.pdf
C. Bouras, Konidaris, A., Sevasti, A., Kontogiannis, S., Fotakis, D., Katanou, A., and Stephanou, E., “Major Principles on the Design of an Educational Network”, in Open Classroom II Conference, Crete, Greece, 1997, pp. 359 - 366.File: 4819276.pdf
C. Bouras, Spirakis, P., Lampsas, P., Tsakarissianos, G., Garofalakis, J., Antonis, K., Kastis, N., and Kontogiannis, S., “Conclusions on the Analysis of User Requirements concerning the use of ICT in the Didactic Process”, in ED-MEDIA/ED-TELECOM 97, Calgary, Canada, 1997, pp. 13 - 18.File: 4993265.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Spirakis, P., Moiras, D., Ouzounis, V., Antoniou, I., and Karageorgopoylos, D., “Hermes Service: Distributed Hypermedia Educational Services on Demand”, in ED-MEDIA/ED-TELECOM 97, Calgary, Canada, 1997, pp. 19 - 24.File: 6594271.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Spirakis, P., and Pantziou, G., “Competitive Video on Demand Schedulers for Popular Movies”, in Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Communications (ICALP satellite workshop), Bologna, Italy, 1997.File: 3484573.pdf
C. Bouras, Spirakis, P., and Lampsas, P., “In-Service Training through ODL Environments:From User Needs To Functional Specifications”, in 8th International Conference Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education-SITE 97, Orlando, USA, 1997, pp. 519 - 522.File: 5744275.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Spirakis, P., Tsakarissianos, G., and Kastis, N., “TRENDS: Training Educators through Networks and Distributed Systems”, in EDEN Conference 1996, Futuroscope Poitiers, France, 1996, pp. 195 - 199.File: 7831439.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Spirakis, P., Moiras, D., Ouzounis, V., and Tatakis, A., “On-Demand Hypermedia/Multimedia Service over Broadband Networks”, in 5th IEEE International Symposium On High Performance Distributed Computing-HPDC-5, Syracuse, New York, USA, 1996, pp. 224 - 231.File: 8142358.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Spirakis, P., Lampsas, P., Tatakis, A., Kontogiannis, S., Fotakis, D., and Kyriakou, K., “An Interactive Cooperative Teleworking Environment-Tηλεµάθεια ∗”, in ED-TELECOM 96, Boston, USA, 1996, pp. 37 - 42.File: 1055303.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Spirakis, P., Tatakis, A., Fotakis, D., Balaouras, P., Chadelis, L., Palikarakis, N., and Sandalatzopoulos, R., “FINE:Implementation of a Distributed Telematics Environment for Clinical Engineers”, in 1996 Concurrent Engineering Europe, Cambridge, UK, 1996, pp. 56 - 60.File: 8533438.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Spirakis, P., and Pantziou, G., “Randomized adaptive video on demand”, in 15th ACM-PODC, Philadelphia PA, USA, 1996, p. 179.File: 1232344.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Spirakis, P., Lampsas, P., Tatakis, A., Kontogiannis, S., and Fotakis, D., “Multilingual Implementations of OSI Applications”, in 10th International Symposium on Computers and Information Sciences-ISCIS X, Izmir, Turkey, 1995, pp. 367 - 374.File: 4960440.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Spirakis, P., Lampsas, P., Tatakis, A., Fotakis, D., and Papoutsopoulos, G., “HIPPOCRATES: A multimedia tool for distance education”, in ED-MEDIA 95, Gratz, Austria, 1995, pp. 103 - 108.File: 2777305.pdf
V. Kapoulas and Spirakis, P., “Randomized Competitive Algorithms for Admission Control in General Networks”, in 14th ACM-PODC, Ottawa, Canada, 1995.File: 1848345.pdf
C. Bouras and Spirakis, P., “The perfect and imperfect clocks approach to performance analysis of basic timestamp ordering in distributed databases”, in ICCI'93, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, 1993, pp. 403 - 407.File: 3253311.pdf
C. Bouras and Spirakis, P., “Performance Models for Perfect and Imperfect Clocks on Timestamp Ordering in Distributed Databases”, in MASCOTS'93, San Diego, California, USA, 1993, pp. 243 - 246.File: 6258309.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Spirakis, P., Georgantas, T., and Goutis, K., “MIPL:An Image Processing Library for Medical Applications”, in S/CAR'92, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 1992, pp. 519 - 525.File: 3973306.pdf
C. Bouras, Spirakis, P., Garofalakis, J., Papoutsopoulos, G., and Basiroglou, P., “RECPHONE: A new environment for medical remote expert consultation”, in EuroPACS'91, 9th International Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 1991, pp. 22 - 23.File: 7799recphone_bouras.pdf
C. Bouras and Spirakis, P., “The effect of clock drifts on the performance of distributed timestamp ordering”, in 3rd COMAD 91, Bombay, India, 1991, pp. 69 - 85.File: 7832887.pdf
C. Bouras and Spirakis, P., “Simplified performance models of the reordering issue in timestamp ordering concurrency control in distributed databases”, in 5th International Symposium on Computers and Information Sciences- ISCIS V, Volume II, Cappadocia, Nevsehir, Turkey, 1990, pp. 719 - 727.File: 8684simplified_bouras.pdf
C. Bouras, Spirakis, P., Triantafillou, V., and Garofalakis, J., “Queueing Delays in Buffered Multistage Interconnection Networks”, in ACM SIGMETRICS Conference 1987, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1987, pp. 111 - 121.File: 5267queueing_delays_bouras.pdf
C. Bouras, Tsiatsos, T., and Giannaka, E., “An Object Driven Partitioning Approach for Distributed Virtual Environments”, The 8th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Applications and Technologies - PDCAT 2007, Adelaide, Australia. pp. 153-154, 2007.File: 7430PDCAT2007_bouras.pdf
C. Bouras, Stamos, K., Primpas, D., Sofia, R., and Jiang, S., “Survey of IPv4 Dependencies in Global Grid Forum Specifications”, Survey of IPv4 Dependencies in Global Grid Forum Specifications. LINK : https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ggf-editor/document/GFD.41. 2005.File: Please contact us to obtain a copy of the document
C. Bouras, Stergiou, E., Karakostaki, C., Tzanos, V., and Kokkinos, V., “The Nexus between Wind Energy, Biodiversity Protection and Social Acceptance: Evidence of Good Practices from Greece, Latvia and Poland”, International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering , World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 85-94, 2024.File: IJEEE2023_Bouras.pdf
C. Bouras, Gkamas, A., and Salgado, S. Aniceto Ka, “Long Range Based IoT Search and Rescue System, a Human- Computer Interaction Preliminary Study and Implementation”, Computer Networks and Communications, Universal Wiser, 2023.File: CNC2023_Bouras1.pdf
C. Bouras and Kollia, A., “Analyzing mmWave Bands from a techno – economic perspective in 5G networks”, International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN), IGI Global, 2023.File: IJBDCN2023_Bouras.pdf
C. Bouras and Kalogeropoulos, R., “Prediction Mechanisms to Improve 5G Network User allocation and Resource management”, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Verlang, 2022.File: Bouras-Kalogeropoulos2022_Article_PredictionMechanismsToImprove5.pdf
D. Stefas, Gyftokostas, N., Kourelias, P., Nanou, E., Tananaki, C., Kanelis, D., Liolios, V., Kokkinos, V., Bouras, C., and Couris, S., “Honey discrimination based on the bee feeding by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy”, Food Control, Elsevier Science, 2022.File: Honey discrimination based on the bee feeding by LIBS.pdf
C. Bouras, Gkamas, A., Katsampiris, S., and Papachristos, N., “A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Models for Spreading Factor Selection in LoRa Networks”, Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies (IJWNBT), IGI Global, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 100-121, 2021.File: A-Comparative-Study-of-Machine-Learning-Models-for-Spreading-Factor-Selection-in-LoRa-Networks.pdf