Projects by year

Green4HEAT Accelerating the uptake of green heating and cooling solutions across EU territories
CLIMATE Improving EU regions' environmental and socioeconomic resilience to climate change
BIOWIND Accelerating the rollout of wind energy developments in EU regions
Wind4Bio Increasing the Social Acceptance of Wind Energy
PYTHIA A Novel Platform for creating Intelligent Agents by using Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence for the Public and Private Sector
ERA5G-Beyond Efficient Resource Allocation in 5G and Beyond Networks
PoweR-LIBS Remote LIBS for real-time field assessment of the operational characteristics of polymeric insulators on high voltage power transmission lines
VETFISH Improving Competitiveness of the Greek Fish Farming through Development of Intelligent Systems for Disease Diagnosis & Treatment Proposal and Relevant Risk Management Supporting Actions
ECLiPSe Energy Saving through Smart Devices Control in Large Passenger and Cruise Ships
GuideMe System for indoors orientation and guidance
WeSAR Wearable based Search And Rescue system
GRNET Support services under the ongoing audit (Audit ID no11-BA152-018) for Community projects: 222667 EGEE-3, 211338 SEEGRID SCI and 211693 EGI DS
INHERIT Sustainable Tourism Strategies to Conserve and Valorise the Mediterranean Coastal and Maritime Natural Heritage
EXTRA-SMEs Improving policies to boost SME competitiveness and extraversion in EU coastal and rural areas where aquaculture is a driver of the regional economy
GPP4Growth Green public procurement for resource-efficient regional growth
CASTWATER Coastal areas sustainable tourism water management in the Mediterranean
SECOVIA South East Europe jointly developed common advanced virtual accessibility solutions to support public services
GN3plus Multi-Gigabit European Research and Education Network and Associated Services
Ecogame Development of interactive, media and entertainment software and integration into learning process with application to environmental education
Voucher for SMEs Voucher for SMEs
SIVA South East Europe improved virtual accessibility through joint initiatives facilitating the rollout of broadband networks
InCompass Regional Policy Improvement for Financially Sustainable Creative Incubator Units
SUMMIT Sustainable Urban Mobility Management Information Technologies
HRAKLEITOS II Techniques and mechanisms for user and text clustering aimed towards the personalized access of content in the world wide web. Operational Programme Education and Lifelong Learning "investing in knowledge society"
ICT-VN Promotion of ICTs usage by SMEs as an enabler of Value Networks
GN3 Multi-Gigabit European Research and Education Network and Associated Services
CNG Community Network Game
OSEPA Open Source software usage by European Public Administrations
PETA Design, development and production of educational material – Topic B' / PETA S.A.
Promotion of broadband growth - Call.192 Services for the promotion of broadband culture
ARCHEOTOUR Applied research in the cultural heritage and environmental opportunities for the tourism
Services to Citizens and Enterprises in Municipalities of Greece Uniform Networked Environment of Local Authorities for Citizen and Enterprise Services: Provision
PAVET-NE 2004 Design and Implementation of a Platform for the Optimization of Services provided by Vending Machines with Remote Management
INTERREG Broadband Broadband: Promotion, Demonstration, Strategies, Best Practices
GRNET III / VNOC 3 Administration of Advanced Network Services: Development of Inrastructure and services: QoS, VPNs and Bandwidth-on-demand
Games @ Large An Integrated Project that intends to research, develop and implement a new architecture so as to provide users with a richer variety of entertainment experience
SIGN Learning partnership for sign language education
SAPSAT Design and Development of a Platform for Synchronous, Asynchronous and Collaborative Vocational Training
Technical Consultant of Wireless Local Area Networks Technical Consulting in Constructing Metropolitan Area Wireless Networks in the Region of Western Greece
Broadband in Greece: Current Situation and Prospects Broadband in Greece: Current Situation and Prospects
Study of usage and impact of GRNET-2’s network Study of usage and impact of GRNET-2’s network
GN 2 Multi-Gigabit European Academic Network – GN2
Technical Consultant of BroadBand Networks Technical Consulting in Constructing Metropolitan Area Fiber Optical Networks in the Region of Western Greece
SIG-GLUE A Special Interest Group for the Game-based Learning in Universities and lifElong learning
GRNET II / VNOC 2 Development / Administration of Advanced Service for Virtual Network Operation Center of GRNET (VNOC-2)
Broadband Promotion Promotion of broadband culture in the Region of Western Greece
Uni Game Game-based Learning in the Universities and Lifelong Learning
ASP - NG ASP - New Game
VIRRAD The Virtual Radiopharmacy - a mindful learning environment
6net Large-Scale International IPv6 Testbed
EDCOMNET A humanistic Urban Communal Educational Net
PAVET 2000 IDS Platform for interactive television services for athletic events
OTELELE Greek PTT Teletraining services for the administration of remote applications of the Greek Telecommunications Organization (OTE)
SEGAS Registration, organisation and electronic documentation of the historical record of SEGAS for the project History of the Modern Olympic Games and development of a relevant Web-site
PAVET 2000 DAA Development of an autonomous agent for the implementation of a web navigation model on the Internet
IP - QoS Design and application of network architecture for quality of service IP on EDET network
MBS Management of additional service for MBS protocol
IPv6 Management of additional service for IPv6 protocol
PATRAS Development of a world wide web server for the Municipality of Patras
IoS Locating and resolving problems that occur during the development of fast internet services via satellite
INVITE Intelligent Distributed Virtual Training Environment
TODAY'S STORIES Today's Stories
TELEWORKING / PTT Pilot Project for the implementation of the Tele-working Service /Hellenic PTT
V.E.S. Virtual European School
TELETRAINING / PTT Pilot Project for the implementation of the Distance Education Service
PLATON Program for the Training of Executives and Trainers of special social groups
ODL Patras University Open Distance Learning Programme
DARING Disable People in new Internet Jobs
ELECTRA European Electronic Information Centre for Adult Education
POWERNET Innovative actions for training on the thematic section of Electricity Power Companies
SYN - Programme Administrative Information System for the Prefecture of Corfu Based on Intranet Technologies
TRENDS Training Educators through Networks and Distributed Systems
DIANE Development and installation of an advanced industrial network