Distributed Learning Environment using Advanced Services over the Internet

TitleDistributed Learning Environment using Advanced Services over the Internet
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsBouras, C, Gkamas, A, Tsiatsos, T
Conference Name3rd Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications(IMSA), Nassau, Grand Bahamas
Date Published18 - 21 October

Multimedia and hypermedia had and still have a
tremendous impact on the evolution of educational
software. In this paper we propose an Integrated
Distributed Learning Environment (IDLE) for the
implementation of the services of an educational network
over TCP/IP networks such as the Internet. Our proposal
aims at providing an integrated communicational
environment, which supplies the communicative needs of
an educational community, using the latest
telecommunication and multimedia information
processing technology. The environment that we
implemented can be used for virtual lectures, virtual
conferences, collaborative work on projects, which are
shared among institutions, exchange of useful material
and experiences among teachers, and creation of
educational material.
