Tele-working services from the Greek PTT

TitleTele-working services from the Greek PTT
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsBouras, C, Kapoulas, V, Mamalis, B
Conference Name3rd International Conference on Networking Entities-The organisational impact of telematics, Neties'99, Krems, Austria
Date Published18 - 19 March

During the last years tele-working methods that utilise network resources and
services are gaining wide acceptance. Interestingly enough not all the enterprises
that want to and can use tele-working are doing so. The main obstacles in adopting
and implementing tele-working techniques are lack of technical knowledge, poor
infrastructure, and lack of support. In Greece the main PTT organisation, as part of
its strategy to offer integrated Telematic services in various areas, designed and is
currently testing under several tele-working scenarios various services that will be
offered in suitable packages. The services offered include telephony services, basic
and advanced network services etc. The packages to be offered cover a wide area of
tele-workers, including tele-workers from home, mobile tele-workers, telecommuters
etc. The packages also cover the need to establish suitable infrastructure
for the tele-workers in the enterprise’s premises, and the establishment of
telecentres/telecottages or satellite centres.In order to effectively test all the
proposed services a pilot network has been established. The network is based on
ISDN links and it consists of a few central nodes (i.e. representing enterprises’
premises) and several remote nodes (some of them mobile) representing for the teleworkers.
The central nodes are equipped with an ISDN PBX, an enterprise server,
and a router. These nodes are connected to the public ISDN network via a few
Primary Rate Interface (PRI) ISDN links. The tele-workers’ nodes are equipped
with communication devices, such as telephones and facsimiles, and with personal
computers. The nodes are connected to the public ISDN network via one or a few
Basic Rate Interface (BRI) ISDN links. The initial tests show very promising
results. The offered integrated services are easy to use and very reliable. As a
consequence the tele-workers exhibit improved performance.
