Implementing spatio-temporal relations for hypermedia presentations using an HTML-like language

TitleImplementing spatio-temporal relations for hypermedia presentations using an HTML-like language
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsBouras, C, Kapoulas, V, Spirakis, P, Moiras, D, Ouzounis, V, Tatakis, A
Conference NameWorkshop on Internet Programming Languages(in conjunction with 1998 IEEE International Conference on Programming Languages), Chicago, Illinois, USA
Date Published13 May

Hypermedia is currently the trend in delivering information composed of various
forms of media. Up to now most systems lack the ability to present the user with
hypermedia information containing various media that have specific spatio-temporal
relations. In this paper we propose and describe a model that can describe such kinds
of hypermedia presentations. The core of the model is an HTML-like language that
supports tags for the description of timing relations between the information objects
that compose a hypermedia presentation.
