Abstract | The modern communication networks, apart from the specialized applications that they
offer depending on the nature of their target groups, they support a set of general purpose elementary
network services, that provide some essential communication facilities to the end users.
Regarding an educational network, these facilities include collaboration, navigation into the
information resources, as well as interpersonal communication, to the members of the Education
Society. In the sequel the major principles on providing these elementary network services are
presented. On-lline/off-line contact over an alternative means of communication among the members
of the trans-European Education Society could be an adequate reason for the deployment of an
educational communication network. This category of services will offer the members of the
Education Society the ability of exchanging opinions on educational and social matters, as well as
interpersonal messages, and collaborating. These facilities should be provided by already existing
network services, enhanced where necessary by supporting multimedia information exchange (mostly
off-line). In the latter case external media players of attachment viewers may be used for the
presentation of the multiple media of information.