An Intranet and Internet based Information System for Administration and Information purposes

TitleAn Intranet and Internet based Information System for Administration and Information purposes
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsBouras, C, Triantafillou, V, Destounis, P, Garofalakis, J, Tzimas, J, Zarafidis, P
Conference Name4th European Digital Cities Conference: Changing patterns of urban life, Salzburg, Austria
Date Published29 - 30 October

This work presents a system developed within a project funded by the Greek Government.
The system deals with the distribution of information and the exchange of documents within,
from and towards (region, municipalities, citizens, various groups etc.) the prefecture of
Corfu. It is exploiting Intranet and Extranet technologies in order to enable asynchronous
and synchronous cooperation, manipulation of information from heterogeneous sources,
security and easy administration, providing in parallel advanced communication facilities.
