C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., Papazois, A., Kokkinos, V., Asimakis, K., and Tseliou, G., “Reliable Multicasting over LTE: A Performance Study”, in 16th IEEE Symposioum on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2011), Kerkyra, Greece, 2011, pp. 603 - 608.File: 2179CC_070.pdf
C. Bouras, Stamos, K., and Bikos, A., “An Improved GMPLS Survivability Mechanism Using Link Delay - Constrained Algorithm”, in International Conference on Data Communication Networking - DCNET 2011, Seville, Spain, 2011, pp. 45 - 50.File: 4685DCNET_2011_2_CR.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., Papazois, A., Kokkinos, V., and Tseliou, G., “Optimizing the Combination of MBSFN and PTM Transmissions in LTE Systems”, in Tenth Annual Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2011), New York, USA, 2011.File: 41721569411933.pdf
C. Bouras, Stamos, K., Zaoudis, G., and Baltzis, P., “Implementation of leaky bucket module for simulations in NS - 3”, in Workshop on ICT - Contemporary Communication and Information Technology, Split - Dubrovnik, 2011.File: 2070PID2029707.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., Papazois, A., Kokkinos, V., and Asimakis, K., “Combining MBSFN and PTM Transmissions Schemes for Resource Efficiency in LTE Networks”, in 9th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, Vilanova I la Geltru, Barcelona, Spain, June 15 - 17, 2011, 2011, pp. 56 - 67.File: 1517alexiou_WWIC_2011_CR.pdf
C. Bouras, Stamos, K., Zaoudis, G., and Stroumpis, S., “Utilizing Video Enconding for Power Management over Wireless Networks”, in International Conference on Data Communication Networking, DCNET 2011, Seville, Spain, July 18 - 21, 2011, 2011, pp. 57 - 62.File: 3165DCNET_2011_22_CR.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Papazois, A., Ahmad, S., Hamzaoui, R., Sahni, A., Simon, G., and Buyukkaya, E., “Evaluating P2P Live Streaming Systems: the CNG Case”, in The Seventeenth International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Convitto della Calza, Florence, Italy, 18 - 20 August, 2011, pp. 126-129.File: 8792dms2011-kapoulas.pdf
C. Bouras, Stamos, K., Zaoudis, G., Stroumpis, S., and Charalambides, S., “Power management for SVC video over wireless networks”, in Sixth International Conference on Broadband, Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA 2011), Barcelona, Spain, October 26 - 28, 2011, pp. 270 - 276.File: 7153BWCCA_2011.pdf
C. Bouras and Tsogkas, V., “W - kmeans: Clustering News Articles using WordNet”, in Advanced Knowledge - based Systems, Invited Session of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge – based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Cardiff Wales, UK, 2010, pp. 379 - 388.File: 116262780379.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., Kokkinos, V., and Tsichritzis, G., “Communication Cost Analysis of MBSFN in LTE”, in The 21st IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2010), Istanbul, Turkey, 2010, pp. 1366-1371.File: 6564PIMRC2010.pdf
C. Bouras, Stamos, K., and Zaoudis, G., “Power management of video transmission on wireless networks for multiple receivers”, in 18th International Conference onSoftware, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2010), Split - Bol- Island Brac, Croatia,, 2010, pp. 300-304.File: 2667SoftCOM2010.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., Papazois, A., Kokkinos, V., and Tseliou, G., “Enhancing FEC Application in LTE Cellular Networks”, in IFIP Wireless Days 2010, Venice, Italy, 2010.File: 3883WD_2.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., Papazois, A., Kokkinos, V., and Tsichritzis, G., “Efficient MCS Selection for MBSFN Transmissions over LTE Networks”, in IFIP Wireless Days 2010, Venice, Italy, 2010.File: 3975WD_1.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., Papazois, A., Kokkinos, V., and Tsichritzis, G., “Adopting FEC for Reliable Multicasting over LTE Networks”, in 13th ACM International Conference on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, Bodrum, Turkey, 2010, pp. 307 - 310.File: 6262p307-alexiou.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., Papazois, A., Kokkinos, V., and Tsichritzis, G., “Spectral Efficiency Performance of MBSFN-enabled LTE Networks”, in 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communication (WiMob 2010), Niagara Falls, Canada, 2010, pp. 361 - 367.File: 5912WiMoB2010.pdf
C. Bouras, Papazois, A., Tsichritzis, G., Ahmad, S., Hamzaoui, R., Perelman, E., Sahni, A., and Simon, G., “The Community Network Game Project: Enriching Online Gamers Experience with User Generated Content”, in CONTENT 2010: The Second International Conference on Creative Content Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010.File: 8935CONTENT2010_Bouras.pdfAward: Best Paper Award!
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., and Papazois, A., “The Impact of FEC on Mobile Multicast Power Control”, in The Sixth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT 2010), Barcelona, Spain, 2010, pp. 1-6.File: 8740PID1140067.pdf
C. Bouras, Stamos, K., Papapanagiotou, V., and Zaoudis, G., “Efficient Power Management Adaptation for Video Transmission over TFRC”, in The Sixth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT 2010), Barcelona, Spain, 2010, pp. 509-514.File: 4896PID1140221.pdf
C. Bouras and Tsogkas, V., “Assigning Web News to Clusters”, in The Fifth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, (ICIW 2010), Barcelona, Spain, 2010, pp. 1-5.File: 7952PID1142479.pdf
C. Bouras, Tsiatsos, T., Triglianos, V., and Kartsakalis, K., “HANIME: An H - Anim Compliant Avatar Editor for NVEs”, in International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Angers, France, 2010, pp. 347 - 352.File: 1592GRAPP_2010_32-cr.pdf
C. Bouras, Gkamas, A., and Kioumourtzis, G., “Performance Evaluation of MPEG-4 Video Transmission with the Adaptive Smooth Multicast Protocol (ASMP)”, in The Fifteenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'10), Riccione, Italy, 2010, pp. 540 - 545.File: 7544ISCC_1.pdf
C. Bouras and Poulopoulos, V., “Dynamic User Context Web Personalization in Meta - Portals”, in The Fifteenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'10), Riccione, Italy, 2010, pp. 925 - 930.File: 2689ISCC_2.pdfAward: Best Paper Award!
C. Bouras, Poulopoulos, V., Adam, G., and Asimakis, K., “An Efficient Mechanism for Stemming and Tagging: the Case of Greek Language”, in Advanced Knowledge - based Systems, Invited Session of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge - based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Cardiff Wales, UK, 2010, pp. 389 - 397.File: 696962780389.pdf
C. Bouras, Poulopoulos, V., and Adam, G., “Efficient extraction of news articles based on RSS crawling”, in International Conference on Machine and Web Intelligence, Algiers, Algeria (Invited Paper), 2010, pp. 1-7.File: 5761ICMWI2010_is_Bouras.pdf
C. Bouras, Poulopoulos, V., and Adam, G., “Image extraction from online text streams”, in The 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Mining and Web (MAW10), Perth, Australia, 2010, pp. 609 - 614.File: 2469MAW2010.pdf
C. Bouras, Papazois, A., Ahmad, S., Hamzaoui, R., Perelman, E., Sahni, A., and Simon, G., “The Community Network Game Project: Enhancing Collaborative Activities in Online Games”, in NEM Summit Towards Future Media Internet, Barcelona, Spain, 2010.File: 6943NEM2010_Bouras.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., and Papazois, A., “Adopting forward error correction for multicasting over cellurar networks”, in European Wireless 2010, Lucca, Italy, 2010, pp. 307-310.File: 10632621PID1130541.pdf
C. Bouras, Kapoulas, V., Gkamas, A., Stamos, K., Papapanagiotou, V., and Zaoudis, G., “Video Transmission over TFRC using cross-layer power management”, in The 17th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2009), Split Hvar Korcula, Croatia, 2009, pp. 333-337.File: 25901569227719.pdf
C. Bouras, Gkamas, A., and Kioumourtzis, G., “Performance Evaluation of Simulcast vs. Layered Multicasting over Best-effort Networks”, in The 17th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2009), Split Hvar Korcula, Croatia, 2009, pp. 338-348.File: 70451569227723.pdf
C. Bouras, Poulopoulos, V., and Tsichritzis, G., “Trash Article Detection using Categorization Techniques”, in IADIS International Conference Applied Computing, Rome, Italy, 2009, pp. 51-58.File: 9443IADISAC2009_Bouras1.pdf
C. Bouras, Tsogkas, V., and Tsichritzis, G., “Caching News Channels on the User's Desktop”, in IADIS International Conference Applied Computing, Rome, Italy, 2009, pp. 35 - 42.File: 2712IADISAC2009_Bouras2.pdf
C. Bouras, Poulopoulos, V., and Silintziris, P., “Date - based dynamic caching mechanism”, in IADIS European Conference on Data Mining 2009, Algavre, Portugal, 2009, pp. 67-74.File: 5096IADIS2009_DM_Bouras.pdf
C. Bouras, Gkamas, A., and Kioumourtzis, G., “Adaptive Smooth Simulcast Protocol for Multimedia Transmission”, in The Fourteenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'09), Sousse, Tunisia, 2009, pp. 437 - 442.File: 3628ISCC 2009_camera_ready-6pages.pdf
C. Bouras, Giannaka, E., Rueda, S., Morillo, P., and Orduna, J., “Managing Objects in P2P DVEs”, in 2009 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA-09), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2009, pp. 783 - 789.File: 1690PDPTA2009_Bouras.pdf
C. Bouras, Gkamas, A., and Kioumourtzis, G., “Simulcast Transmission for Video Applications: Performance Evaluation with an Integrated Simulation Environment”, in 2009 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2009), Istanbul, Turkey, 2009, pp. 339-346.File: 1076PID910105.pdf
C. Bouras, Gkamas, A., and Kioumourtzis, G., “Evaluation of Single Rate Multicast Congestion Control Schemes for MPEG-4 Video Transmission”, in 5th EURO - NGI Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks (NGI 2009), Aveiro, Portugal, 2009.File: 7927EuroNGI2009.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., and Kokkinos, V., “Efficient Assignment of Multiple E-MBMS Sessions toward LTE”, in Second Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, Gdansk, Poland, 2009, pp. 240 - 250.File: 120203080240.pdf
C. Bouras, Tsiatsos, T., Triglianos, V., and Chatziprimou, K., “A Framework for H-Anim Support in NVEs”, in International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Lisboa, Portugal, 2009, pp. 286 - 291.File: 5768Bouras_GRAPP2009_Camera_Ready.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., and Kokkinos, V., “An Efficient Mechanism for Power Control Optimization in MBMS Enabled UTRAN”, in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2009, pp. 1292 - 1297 .File: 9787WCNC2009.pdf
C. Bouras, Tsiatsos, T., and Giannaka, E., “A Framework Model for DVEs using SIMUL8”, in Second International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques - SIMUTools 2009, Rome, Italy, 2009.File: 7174Simtools_Bouras_CR.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., and Kokkinos, V., “An Enhanced Mechanism for Efficient Assignment of Multiple sessions towards LTE”, in The 12th ACM Annual Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless Mobile Systems, Tenerife, The Canary Islands, Spain, 2009, pp. 384 - 391.File: 1016mswim40a-alexiou.pdf
C. Bouras, Poulopoulos, V., and Adam, G., “CUTER: An Efficient Useful Text Extraction Mechanism”, in The 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Mining and Web(WAM09), Bradford, UK, 2009, pp. 703 - 708.File: 3267PID838806.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., Kokkinos, V., and Rekkas, E., “Optimal MBMS Power Allocation Exploiting MIMO in LTE Networks”, in 2009 IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference VTC2009 Spring, Barcelona, Spain, 2009.File: 8987VTC2009S_Bouras.pdf
C. Bouras, Poulopoulos, V., and Silintziris, P., “Personalized News Search in WWW: Adapting on user's behavior”, in The Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web ASpplications and Services - ICIW 2009, Venice, Italy, 2009, pp. 125 - 130.File: 7951PID823131.pdf
C. Bouras, Poulopoulos, V., and Adam, G., “Utilizing RSS feeds for crawling the Web”, in The Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web ASpplications and Services - ICIW 2009, 2009, pp. 211 - 216.File: 5016PID823130.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., and Rekkas, E., “Optimizing MBMS Power Allocation Through HSDPA Transmissions”, in The Fifth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications - AICT 2009, Venice, Italy, 2009, pp. 327 - 332.File: 78073192PID822175.pdf
C. Bouras and Tsogkas, V., “Personalization Mechanism for Delivering News Articles on the User's Desktop”, in The Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web ASpplications and Services – ICIW 2009, Venice, Italy, 2009, pp. 157 - 162.File: 2868PID821831.pdf
C. Bouras, Tsiatsos, T., and Giannaka, E., “Performance Evaluation of a Dynamic Approach for Networked Servers Distributed Virtual Environments”, in 12th Communications and Networking Simulation Symposium (CNS09), San Diego, CA, USA, 2009.File: 7678CNS2009_Bouras.pdf
C. Bouras, Alexiou, A., and Kokkinos, V., “An Enhanced MBMS Power Control Mechanism towards Long Term Evolution”, in Eighth Annual Wireless Telecommunications Symposium - WTS 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, 2009.File: 7433enhanced_mbms.pdf
C. Bouras, Poulopoulos, V., and Adam, G., “Monitoring RSS feeds”, in InternationalConference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (I-KNOW 09), Gratz, Austria, 2009, pp. 189-198.File: 4709iknow_cr_final_edited_by_editor.pdf