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C. Bouras , Kapoulas, V. , Poulopoulos, V. , and Antonellis, I. ,
“Enhancing a Web Based Community: the case of SIG-GLUE ” ,
International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC), Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 2, No 1 , pp. 112 - 130, 2006.
C. Bouras , Gkamas, A. , Stamos, K. , and Karaliotas, A. ,
“Architecture and Performance Evaluation for Redundant Multicast Transmission Supporting Adaptive QoS ” ,
Tools and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 25, No. 1 , pp. 85 - 110, 2005.
C. Bouras , Gkamas, A. , Stamos, K. , Primpas, D. , Nave, I. , Shani, A. , Sheory, O. , and Tzruya, Y. ,
“Application on Demand System over the Internet ” ,
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Academic Press, Vol. 28, No. 3 , pp. 209 - 232, 2005.
C. Bouras , Gkamas, A. , Stamos, K. , and Primpas, D. ,
“Porting and performance aspects from IPv4 to IPv6: The case of OpenH323 ” ,
International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley InterScience, Vol. 18, Issue 9 , pp. 847 - 866, 2005.
C. Bouras , Kapoulas, V. , Tsiatsos, T. , and Igglesis, V. ,
“A web - based virtual community ” ,
International Journal of Web Based Communities (IJWBC), Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 1, No 3 , pp. 127 - 139, 2005.
C. Bouras , Konidaris, A. , and Kostoulas, D. ,
“Predictive Prefetching on the Web and its Potential Impact in the Wide Area ” ,
World Wide Web Journal: Internet and Web Information Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 7, Issue 2 , pp. 143 - 179, 2004.
C. Bouras , Gkamas, A. , Stamos, K. , and Primpas, D. ,
“Performance Evaluation of the Impact of Quality of Service mechanisms in an IPv6 network for IPv6 - capable real time applications ” ,
Journal of Network and Systems Management, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Volume 12, Issue 4 , pp. 463 - 483, 2004.
C. Bouras and Sevasti, A. ,
“SLA - based QoS pricing in DiffServ networks ” ,
Computer Communications Journal, Special Issue, Performance and Control of Next Generation Communications Networks, Edited by F. Huebner and R. D. van der Mei, Elsevier Science, Volume 27, Issue 18 , pp. 1868 - 1880, 2004.
C. Bouras , Kapoulas, V. , Igglesis, V. , Misedakis, I. , Dziabenko, O. , Koubek, A. , Pivec, M. , and Sfiri, A. ,
“Game Based Learning Using Web Technologies ” ,
Journal of Intelligent Games and Simulation, Volume 3, Number 2 , pp. 67 - 84, 2004.
C. Bouras , Sevasti, A. , Liakopoulos, A. , and Maglaris, B. ,
“Providing and verifying advanced IP services in hierarchical DiffServ networks - the case of GEANT ” ,
Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley InterScience , pp. 321 - 336, 2004.
C. Bouras , Kapoulas, V. , Tsiatsos, T. , Giannaka, E. , Alexiou, A. , and Nani, M. ,
“The Virtual Radiopharmacy Laboratory: A 3D Simulation for Distance Learning ” ,
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia – JEMH, AACE , pp. 307 - 322, 2004.
C. Bouras , Sevasti, A. , Campanella, M. , and Przybylski, M. ,
“QoS and SLA aspects across multiple management domains: The SEQUIN approach ” ,
Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) Journal, Special Issue from the TERENA 2002 Networking Conference, Elsevier Science, Volume 19, Issue 2 , pp. 313-326, 2003.
C. Bouras , Karaliotas, A. , Paraskevas, M. , Papoutsis, V. , Ntokos, C. , and Drosopoulos, N. ,
“Wireless School Network ” ,
Learning Technology Newsletter – IEEE Learning Technology Task Force(on line), Vol. 5, Issue 2 , 2003.
C. Bouras , Kapoulas, V. , Spirakis, P. , and Pantziou, G. ,
“Competitive Video on Demand Schedulers for Popular Movies ” ,
Discrete Applied Mathematics, Special Issue Algorithmic Aspects of Communication, Elsevier Science, Vol. 129, Issue 1 , pp. PP. 49 - 61, 2003.
C. Bouras , Avgoulea, M. , Paraskevas, M. , and Stathakopoulos, G. ,
“Policies for Content Filtering in Educational Networks: The case of Greece ” ,
Journal of Telematics and Informatics, Elsevier Science, Vol. 20, Issue 1 , pp. 71-95, 2003.
C. Bouras , Kapoulas, V. , Gkamas, A. , and Tsiatsos, T. ,
“Evaluation of Teleteaching Services over ATM and IP Networks ” ,
Journal of Telematics and Informatics, Elsevier Science, Vol. 20, Issue 1 , pp. 1 - 18, 2003.
C. Bouras , Karaliotas, A. , and Ganos, P. ,
“The deployment of IPv6 in an IPv4 world and Transition Mechanisms ” ,
Internet Research: Electronic Networking, Applications and Policy, Emerald, Volume 13, Number 2 , pp. 86 - 93, 2003.
C. Bouras , Kapoulas, V. , Panagopoulos, A. , Sevasti, A. , Chantzi, C. , and Sampraku, I. ,
“Performance issues of bandwidth management in ATM networks ” ,
International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley InterScience, Volume 16, Issue 2 , pp. 151 - 169, 2003.
C. Bouras , Triantafillou, V. , and Katris, N. ,
“An electronic voting service to support decision making in Local Government ” ,
Journal of Telematics and Informatics-Special Issue, The Internet and Local Governance: Issues for Democracy, Elsevier Science, Vol. 20, Issue 3 , pp. 255 - 274, 2003.
C. Bouras , Spirakis, P. , and Lampsas, P. ,
“STEPS: Supporting Traditional Education ProcedureS-A TCP/IP Multimedia Networks-Based Model ” ,
Multimedia Tools And Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 16, No 3 , pp. 251 - 276, 2002.
C. Bouras , Kapoulas, V. , Spirakis, P. , Moiras, D. , and Ouzounis, V. ,
“An Architecture for Interactive Distributed Multimedia Information Services ” ,
Telecommunication Information Management Journal, Volume 2, Issue 4 , pp. 3 - 10, 2002.
C. Bouras , Gkamas, A. , and Sevasti, A. ,
“An environment for the annotation of multimedia material by younger children ” ,
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, (JEMH), AACE, Vol. 11, Issue 4 , pp. 363 - 385, 2002.
C. Bouras , Tsiatsos, T. , and Triantafillou, V. ,
“A Framework for Intelligent Virtual Training Environment: The steps from specification to design ” ,
Journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS) Special Issue on Innovations in Learning Technology, Learning Technology Task Force – IEEE (on – line), Vol. 5, Issue 4 , pp. 11 - 26, 2002.
C. Bouras , Tsiatsos, T. , and Philopoulos, A. ,
“e-Learning through Distributed Virtual Environments ” ,
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Academic Press, No.3, Vol 24 , pp. 175 - 199, 2001.
C. Bouras , Gkamas, A. , and Tsiatsos, T. ,
“Network-Based Distributed Learning Environment ” ,
WebNet Journal: Internet, Technologies, Applications & Issues, AACE, Vol.2 , pp. 29 - 37, 2000.
C. Bouras , Gkamas, A. , Tsiatsos, T. , Destounis, P. , Garofalakis, J. , Sakalis, G. , Sakopoulos, B. , and Tsaknakis, J. ,
“Efficient Web-Based Open and Distance Learning Services ” ,
Journal of Telematics and Informatics, Elsevier Science, Vol. 17, Issue 3 , pp. 213 - 237, 2000.
C. Bouras , Triantafillou, V. , Destounis, P. , Garofalakis, J. , Tzimas, J. , and Zarafidis, P. ,
“A Cooperative Environment for Local Government: An Internet – Intranet Approach ” ,
Journal of Telematics and Informatics, Elsevier Science, Vol. 16, Issue 1-2 , pp. 75 - 89, 1999.
C. Bouras , Kapoulas, V. , Spirakis, P. , Moiras, D. , Ouzounis, V. , and Tatakis, A. ,
“On-Demand Hypermedia/Mutimedia Service using Pre-Orcestrated Scenarios over the Internet ” ,
Networking and Information Systems Journal, Hermes Science Publishing, Volume 2, No. 5-6 , pp. 741 - 762, 1999.
C. Bouras , Spirakis, P. , Triantafillou, V. , and Garofalakis, J. ,
“Analytical Performance Models for Multistage Interconnection Networks with finite, infinite and zero length buffers ” ,
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION JOURNAL, Elsevier Science, Vol. 34 , pp. 169 - 182, 1998.
C. Bouras , Spirakis, P. , Lampsas, P. , Tsakarissianos, G. , Garofalakis, J. , Antonis, K. , Kastis, N. , and Kontogiannis, S. ,
“Results and experience from the application of a common methodology for Users Requirements Specification in Distance Education using Telematics ” ,
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education -JTATE, AACE, Vol. 6, Issue 1 , pp. 61 - 74, 1998.
C. Bouras , Kapoulas, V. , Spirakis, P. , Lampsas, P. , Tatakis, A. , Kontogiannis, S. , and Fotakis, D. ,
“Using Multimedia/Hypermedia Tools over Networks for Distance Education and Training ” ,
Journal of Educational Technology Review - ETR, AACE, No. 7 , pp. 20 - 26, 1997.