An Efficient Mechanism for Stemming and Tagging: the Case of Greek Language

TitleAn Efficient Mechanism for Stemming and Tagging: the Case of Greek Language
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsBouras, C, Poulopoulos, V, Adam, G, Asimakis, K
Conference NameAdvanced Knowledge - based Systems, Invited Session of the 14th International Conference on Knowledge - based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Cardiff Wales, UK
Date Published8 - 10 September

In an era that, searching the WWW for information becomes a tedious task, it is obvious that mainly search engines and other data mining mechanisms need to be enhanced with characteristics such as NLP in order to better analyze and recognize user queries and fetch data. We present an efficient mechanism for stemming and tagging for the Greek language. Our system is constructed in such a way that can be easily adapted to any existing system and support it with recognition and analysis of Greek words. We examine the accuracy of the system and its ability to support peRSSonal a medium constructed for offering meta-portal news services to internet users. We present experimental evaluation of the system compared to already existing stemmers and taggers of the Greek language and we prove the higher efficiency and quality of results of our system.