Basic Internet Services Environment for the Education Society

TitleBasic Internet Services Environment for the Education Society
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsBouras, C, Kapoulas, V
JournalInternational Journal of Computers and Applications, Acta Press, Vol. 23 , No. 1
Pagination 35 - 44

Computer-based, networking learning environments play a signif-
icant role in the improvement of the learning procedure. Elec-
tronic communication and collaboration services provide tutors and
trainees with continual, close, and eácient cooperation. An increase
in the use of the Internet as a repository of resources for learning,
and also as a means for delivery of specially prepared teaching
materials, is a particularly signißcant innovation in the ßeld of
education. Educational applications are increasingly based on the
World Wide Web, combining simplißed access to the application
and integration into a Web-based learning environment. This work
presents a àexible communication and collaboration environment,
developed within the framework of the ODYSSEAS project, that
may be used by educators. The basic services environment presented
in this paper is built upon the well-known and popular standards
HTTP, SMTP, and POP3 and is accessible to the potential user
through a web browser and connection to a user authentication
server that will handle the user's private information, with minimal
installation cost.
