The Virtual Radiopharmacy Laboratory: A 3D Simulation for Distance Learning

TitleThe Virtual Radiopharmacy Laboratory: A 3D Simulation for Distance Learning
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsBouras, C, Kapoulas, V, Tsiatsos, T, Giannaka, E, Alexiou, A, Nani, M
JournalJournal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia – JEMH, AACE
Pagination 307 - 322

This article presents Virtual Radiopharmacy Laboratory (VR
LAB), a virtual laboratory accessible through the Internet.
VR LAB is designed and implemented in the framework of
the VirRAD European project. This laboratory represents a
3D simulation of a radio-pharmacy laboratory, where learners,
represented by 3D avatars, can experiment on radiopharmacy
equipment by carrying out specific learning scenarios.
This article describes the functionality provided by
this laboratory, the motivation factors which led to its formation,
the technological decisions that were made for the optimization
of the system, as well as the envisioned steps to be
carried out.
