Multi-Gigabit European Research and Education Network and Associated Services

7th Framework Programme, Research Infrastructures: INFRA-2013-1.2.1 – GEANT
European Union
Delegate Organization: 
Project period: 
Monday, April 1, 2013 to Tuesday, March 31, 2015

GÉANT's vision is to become the unified European Communications Commons, driving knowledge creation, innovation and learning by connecting and empowering research and education communities within Europe and, as the global hub for research networking excellence, elsewhere in other partner regions. GÉANT's mission is to deliver world-class services with the highest levels of operational excellence to research and education communities within Europe and beyond, helping talent and providing opportunities to meet across the divides of resources and distance, and so promoting the free, unimpeded movement of scientific data and knowledge. GN3plus will strengthen GÉANT as follows:
• Deliver world-class services to research and education communities, building on GN3's success.
• Support the growth of R&E communities within Europe in both breadth and depth, and expose them to talent elsewhere.
• Innovate to meet the needs of the community, and act as a catalyst to translate this into a competitive European ICT sector.
• Collect and share knowledge about network technologies and services through cooperation and community gathering.