The Virtual Radiopharmacy - a mindful learning environment

European Union
Project period: 
Friday, February 8, 2002 to Tuesday, February 8, 2005

The main objectives of VirRAD are the development of i) an instructional design from Mindful-Learning theory; ii) a multi-layered meta-cognitive learner model within the context of an intelligent, virtual reality enhanced, distance learning environment for vocational training; iii) the embedding of this environment within an enriched learning structure that gathers together learners, practitioners and specialists in a knowledge community, using Radiopharmacy as the target learning and knowledge exchange area. VirRAD aims to create a readily-accessible virtual-environment where the Nuclear Medicine community can meet to learn, exchange views, and discuss best practice. This intelligent learning environment incorporates a number of multimedia resources, including a dedicated simulation-based virtual environment in which trainees may gain experience of operating equipment with potentially hazardous radioactive materials.