The main goal of the project is to reduce the negative impacts of air pollutants through the deployment of an advanced mobility management information system base on ICT (Information & Communication Technologies). The application of these technologies in the mobility management system provides highly effective and relatively low cost solution and measures for the problem of urban traffic congestion: for example new intelligent systems that assist the driver to avoid accidents, provide drivers with real time information to avoid congestion, and optimise a journey or the engine performance to improve energy efficiency, Route optimization systems for local public transport.
This project focus on the provision of information to citizens, the increase of mobility opportunities and the reduction of the environmental impact of private transport systems.
Sustainable Urban Mobility Management Information Technologies
European Territorial Cooperation Programme GREECE - ITALY 2007-2013
75% ERDF & 25% National Contribution
Delegate Organization:
Project period:
Thursday, September 1, 2011 to Tuesday, December 31, 2013