The TFRC protocol and its usage for wireless video transmission

TitleThe TFRC protocol and its usage for wireless video transmission
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsBouras, C, Stamos, K, Papapanagiotou, V, Zaoudis, G
Book TitleAdvanced CommunicationProtocol Technologies: Solutions, Methods and Applications
Pagination 300 - 317
PublisherIGI Global

The subject of this chapter is to present the TFRC (TCP-Friendly Rate Control) protocol in the area of efficient wireless video transmission and its possible usage in cross-layer power management mechanisms. The basic aspects of TFRC operation are presented, along with the suitability of TFRC usage for video transmission. The chapter examines related work and presents several mechanisms for efficient wireless video transmission using TFRC that have been proposed. These mechanisms utilize cross-layer approaches for adaptation of the power transmission level of the sender and TFRC feedback information regarding the wireless connection status from the receiver for improved transmission statistics, and therefore user experience, without unnecessary power consumption.