Challenges in cross layer adaptation for multimedia transmission

TitleChallenges in cross layer adaptation for multimedia transmission
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsBouras, C, Gkamas, A, Kioumourtzis, G
Conference NameIADIS International Conference on Telecommunications, Networks and Systems 2007, Lisbon, Portugal
Date Published3 - 8 July

Over the last years a number of new protocols have been developed for multimedia applications in the whole OSI layer?s scale. In order to support better wireless user the cross layer design paradigm has been proposed. This paper presents the challenges in designing and implementation of cross layer adaptation schemes for multimedia transmission over wired and wireless networks. In addition, the paper proposes the basic aspects of a cross-layer adaptation framework for multimedia transmission over wired and wireless networks. The main concept is based on a “holistic approach” in which all layers participate to the adaptation process and make its own contributions. Finally, the proposed framework can support both wired and wireless receivers in one platform.